Female rivalry in the workplace

Female rivalry in the workplace

This is a REPLAY from our latest SHELeads Online Coffee Talk: “At first glance, it may seem like men are more prone to competition than women. They can be more risk-tolerant and use more physical aggression toward each other. Their friendships are by and large transactional, and their conflicts are typically straightforward and direct. Women on the other hand often experience emotional depth and complexity in both friendship and competition. If they seem less competitive than men, it’s because they sometimes enact their rivalry drive in more covert and clandestine ways.” Source: PsychCentral.com. This time I invited two guests to discuss the topic, share our experience with you and provide tips and ideas on how to handle female rivalry in the workplace.

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3 toxic behaviours that kill your confidence

3 toxic behaviours that kill your confidence

We all want to feel confident, don’t we?! I am sure you’re aware of the importance of self-confidence to your success at just about anything you do. What you may not be aware of however, is that some of your daily habits and behaviours could be toxic and literally killing your confidence. Let me shed some light on the problem… ;)

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Is it hard for you to say no?

Is it hard for you to say no?

Do you often find yourself with a jam-packed calendar, filled with stuff that's not your priority and activities you have no genuine interest in? Saying YES too quickly to work requests, requests for help from family and friends or social invites might have something to do with it. If you’re someone who finds it hard to say NO, here’s why and what you can do about it.

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A dream career and/or a dream man?

A dream career and/or a dream man?

All those years of hard work are finally paying off! You got a promotion, have been entrusted with more responsibility and a budget to build a brand new unit. Your boss has high expectations of you and you’re committed. You won’t let him down! You’re hyper-busy but loving it! Everything would be just perfect if it weren’t for the troubles back home... Your relationship is falling apart. Or, perhaps, you don’t even have one and the men who are interested are of no interest to you. Now what?!

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When you can't stand them...

When you can't stand them...

Is there someone you can't stand being around? Someone you actively try to avoid because they trigger all kinds of negative feelings and emotions in you? This can be a major hurdle, especially if it’s someone you have to deal with on a daily basis, a coworker for instance. Avoidance is not an option, so what do you do now?

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