Authenticity in the workplace

Authenticity in the workplace

There is a lot of talk about authenticity: Authenticity in leadership, in the workplace, in our relationships, etc. We all seem to understand the importance of authenticity and we expect people to be just that - authentic. Yet, how authentically do WE really show up at work and in our lives?

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How women can develop a powerful leadership presence

How women can develop a powerful leadership presence

Have you ever considered what your presence has to do with your power of influence and your success at work? A lot, actually. The two are intimately connected. You may be the most experienced and knowledgeable in your field, but unless you have what we call EXECUTIVE PRESENCE, there is a limit to how far you can go. So, how do you go about developing executive presence to let your unique self shine and increase your influence at work? Watch a replay of my webinar for PBW, an association for Professional Working Women in Tech.

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Are you also rejecting your feminine traits?

Are you also rejecting your feminine traits?

Some female executives believe they need to be strong and act tough otherwise they won’t be taken seriously. For them, showing their more vulnerable side and being caring and attentive to the needs of others is a professional suicide. What do you think? Could the qualities and traits we so often see as weaknesses become our ultimate advantage?

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Do you like yourself? a must watch for female managers

Do you like yourself? a must watch for female managers

How would you reply? You do or you’re not that sure? This makes a huge difference because you’re a manager and you’re in the spotlight! Liking yourself, valuing who you are is crucial for your success and psychological wellbeing! Think of the people you know who have the most positive impact on others. You’ll find that today they like who they are, but it hasn’t always been that way. They ‘fell in love’ with themselves gradually, through a long process of self-discovery. Wonder where to start? Here’s my tip!

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4 reasons people don’t take you seriously

4 reasons people don’t take you seriously

We can scream and shout and point our fingers at others all we want… The truth is, it often takes just one honest look at ourselves and our behaviour and the reasons for why we’re not being taken seriously are apparent. Let’s take a look together at some of these reasons and of course, tips for how to fix it!

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