7-day self-discovery challenge

If I were to ask you:

How well do you know yourself?

What would you say?

You might laugh and respond, 'What do you mean, Alena? I live with myself, so, of course, I know myself pretty well!'

Do you?

By ‘knowing yourself,’ I mean not only being aware of who you are (and that, in itself, is a BIG question) but also understanding why you act or react the way you do, what drives you, why you feel the way you feel, why certain situations & people drive you insane, etc.

The sad truth is that many of us are largely unaware of what we do and why we do it. We tend to run on autopilot most of the time.

Expert research shows that only approximately 5% of our cognitive activities (decisions, actions, behavior) are conscious, whereas the remaining 95% is generated in a non-conscious manner.

One does not need to be an expert to see that.

  • Have you ever sat in a bar observing the behavior of the people around you (and not only when they had a bit too much to drink) 😅

  • Have you ever said or done something that you immediately regretted, and yet you were unable to stop yourself from doing it?

  • Or, remember the last time you tried to develop a new habit and, after a few enthusiastic days, you were right back to your old ways of being and doing things, even though you know they don’t serve you anymore?

Anyone in a leadership position ought to know that not being aware of oneself can be highly problematic, not only for the individual but for their teams, even for the entire organization.

What’s more, self-awareness is not only the prerequisite for effective leadership; it is key for our well-being.

The more insights you have into how you show up in the world, the clearer you can see where the biggest barriers to your success are and define the best ways to break through.

There’s a simple exercise I’d love to share with you today that is popular among our ‘SHELeaders’ and can help you start developing your self-awareness. I’ve prepared a mini-guide to take you through the exercise, which you can download by clicking on this link or on the image at the top.

I suggest you do it for a minimum of 7 days and see what insights you come up with. It can be a truly eye-opening experience!

Armed with that information, it will be easier to identify the biggest barriers to your success. You may want to seek support to help you find ways forward. Look for a reputable coach or talk to me about SHELeads!

Our next cohort starts on March 13th, 2024, and we’re enrolling!

Speak soon!


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